What we do

As an organisation fighting for a progressive cause, your goal is to improve people’s lives and protect the environment. Ours is to make sure you have impact — and we offer several services to do it.


Strategy check-up

An at-a-glance health check of your strategy, with recommendations you can implement tomorrow

Drawing on interviews, workshops, and secondary research (depending on your needs), our strategy check-up will give you a detailed reading on the vital signs of your work:

  • Where you have achieved impact (and what impact means to you)

  • What you’re doing well; what you could improve, and how

  • The threats to your success, and opportunities

  • What your stakeholders, partners or opponents think of you

Our emphasis is on problem-solving, not problem-pointing. That’s why every strategy check-up we deliver includes concrete proposals on how you can increase your impact.


Strategy development

Establishing where you want to go; designing your roadmap to get there

With our methodology for impact-driven activism, we can work with you and your stakeholders to develop:

  • your vision and mission

  • your strategic plan (e.g. a three- or five-year plan) or annual work programme, including SMART tactics and success indicators to make it easy to evaluate your progress in the future


Specific projects

Put our expertise to work for you

Perhaps you’ve got an idea that could improve the world, but you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’ve been actively challenging the status quo for decades, but you’re no longer sure where you’re going.

Our expertise — gathered over 20 years of working with progressive organisations and dozens of campaigns — can help.

Take a look at a selection of work we’ve done, and contact us with your specific requirements.